On October 8th, Guatemala celebrated McDia de Feliz for the tenth year in a row. We had heard about this and weren't totally sure what it meant. All we knew was that if you bought a Big Mac the proceeds went towards funds and research at the Ronald McDonald house. Some of us teachers here thought, what a great cause! So of course we wanted to take part in it! After school Danielle and I went to McDonalds and we found out that we could buy coupons for Big Macs that could be used in the future but since we bought them today the proceeds would still go for the same cause. So we spent quite a bit of money at McDonalds that day on Big Mac coupons that I don't even like! ha ha. I gave them away to some people here at school to use. After doing a little research, I found out that there are several Latin American countries that now celebrate McDia de Feliz and the proceeds go to help those in need at Ronald McDonald houses in that country. Pretty cool. And it was packed at McDonalds. From what I read (in a Spanish article online), last year they made almost 4.5 million Quetzales, which is about $616,500. Not too shabby for a day of selling Big Macs! It was fun to be a part of the big hubbub. There were radio stations broadcasting from several of the McDonalds. So here are a few pictures of our small adventure!
They had to have people out directing traffic and stuff in the parking lot. These people were all waiting to get into the drive thru.
They had to have people out directing traffic and stuff in the parking lot. These people were all waiting to get into the drive thru.

Sorry for the bad, rainy picture, but you can see the crowd of cars (we had to wait in a line on the street to get into the parking lot) and you can also see the radio station broadcasting.

Gracias for coming!!! Oh and McCafe is this really fancy (for McDonalds standards) coffee shop where they sell coffee in real (not styrofoam) mugs and good cakes and stuff. But it is in McDonalds!

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