Wow, so this was pretty much forever ago!!! I had the bright idea to buy two airplane tickets to save money, as opposed to spending more money on only one ticket. So I bought a round trip ticket to New York and then on the inside of that ticket I bought a separate ticket from New York to Missouri. I just spent a few days at the beginning of my trip in New York so I could see Nancy and my other Connecticut friends. Was a short and sweet visit with dear friends. Well, the only downside to this ticket was when I was coming back, I wanted to be here for New Years Eve so the way the itineraries went, I flew from KC to New York on Dec 30, arriving around 8:30 pm, then hanging out in the airport to leave New York at 5:45 am for Guatemala. I figured it couldn't be that bad. It actually could have been bad, but it wasn't. Everything turned out fine. I got to Kansas City, checked my three bags in (free with my "elite" status!! ha ha), sat down at the gate, turned on my computer, had my headphones in and was content. Until the flight kept getting delayed. We ended up taking off from Kansas City about four hours late. I was sure I was going to miss all the last flights from Minneapolis to New York. Well, by the time I got to Minneapolis, I made the last flight, even had time to grab a slice of pizza after I checked at the gate and got my boarding pass. We made it into New York around 11:45 pm. I made it, and two out of my three bags made it. I hung out in the baggage claim area and the office and got my missing bag reported. The guy was a little surprised when I asked for it to be sent to Guatemala! But it wasn't a problem at all. He filled out the paperwork, and I had to take a shuttle bus with my two other suitcases to the other terminal to catch my Continental flight. Laguardia was pretty much deserted. I did find this little bakery that was open, there were about four other people in there doing the same thing I was doing, waiting for an early morning flight. So I parked, made myself at home, and started watching episodes of my tv shows that I was behind on. I think I watched about 4 episodes of Grey's Anatomy. :) These three guys came in that I thought were speaking Spanish and they ended up being from Guatemala (of course I talked to them!!!). It ended up passing the time fairly quickly and then I had two legs of first class on my way back to Guatemala, as I got upgraded due to my patronage to Skyteam! There were no other problems on my flights from New York to Guatemala. Here are some nice shots of Guate I took on my way in.

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