Sunday, August 31, 2008

One of my favorite restaurants here!!! :) Stop rolling your eyes, I know who you are! This is one of the places that is close enough for us to walk to from our hotel, but even the block and a half we have to walk to get there is a bit dangerous for us to be walking alone after dark if it is just us girls. The food there is really good though and not too totally over priced! The bus stop in the mornings is right down the street from here, so I had Stephanie snap this picture for me! Yes, I was actually a few minutes early for the bus, can you believe it????

So, on the topic of finding places to is a little synopsis of our everyday occurences when it is dinner time here at the hotel. I will call Stephanie (we are 2 of 3 people left here at the hotel.....we used to all call each other) and say, so are you hungry? She's like yeah. So then we say, ok let's go downstairs and have the front desk guy order something for us. So we go downstairs and he's like, oh great here come the Americans for dinner! ha ha. Every now and then we will walk somewhere very close to our hotel to go eat but we have stuff ordered in a lot of times as well. Then our friend will call the restaurants and get something ordered or he will help us figure out where is close that we can go. On Friday, I was just tired of being here and not being able to cook for myself and having to eat out all the time but not even being able to walk anywhere we wanted and I was just tired of it all. I just wanted something fast and it was already kind of late and so it was dark, so Steph and I didn't really want to walk anywhere by ourselves. OK, let me rephrase that, I was being the baby who didn't want to go anywhere alone. Stephanie was ok with it! :) I was like, ok let's just go to Burger King, it's close. But I still didn't want to go alone, so our front desk friend told us that the bellboy could go with us!!! So we bought dinner for the front desk guy and the bellboy so he would walk with us! Then the next day he walked me to the ATM!

No Fumigar Por Favor

There are only a few of us left here at the hotel. Last week we came home from school one day and one of the guys still staying here smelled fumigation scents in his room and he said that everything had been moved off his shelves, etc. He was sure that they fumigated his room. He was pretty much fuming himself! He moved out the next day, very unhappily! The next day, another couple thought their room had been fumigated as well. We were all a little aghast at this finding that they would fumigate while someone was in the room. Well, when we got home from school on Thursday of last week, there was a notice in our rooms that stated that they would be fumigating the rooms the next day on Friday, so we should be sure to "protect our personal belongings." I immediately went downstairs, to my front desk friend and spent about ten minutes begging/pleading/threatening/asking him to NOT fumigate our rooms. He was like, ok ok ok, we won't. I told him there was no way we could put all of our stuff away. So, I wasn't totally convinced but I was feeling ok about it. Stephanie and I were going to dinner that night so we went down a few minutes early to beg/plead again before we left. He was like ok ok ok, again. Well, then the bellboy who speaks only Spanish asked what we were trying to get him to do and in Spanish our front desk guy tells the bellboy. The bellboy starts laughing and we can understand his gist of saying basically, "yeah right, they are going to do it anyway." So then my faith in our front desk friend has gone down even more. So, we left for dinner and when we came back our friend told us that he had called the manager who would be here on Friday and she said it was ok for our rooms to not get fumigated. I still wasn't 100% confident that my things wouldn't get sprayed. So, I took all of the comforters and sheets and blankets off the spare beds in my room (my roommate is gone now) and used them to cover ALL of my personal belongings in my room! I also wrote "NO FUMIGAR POR FAVOR" on the notice and left it right inside my door of the hotel. When I came back from school, the note was stuck like this on my door:

Ha ha ha.....I was so happy when I got inside and realized that they HADN'T fumigated my room!!! So now my faith has been restored in my front desk friend!!!!!

Laundry and Sunsets

One night last week I finally had to break down and go over to a friend's apartment to do laundry. I thought I could wait it out until I moved into my apartment but seeing as how that might not be until the end of this week or this weekend, I didn't think I could wait for over four weeks!!! I made it three weeks without doing laundry but I decided I was going to need some more work clothes. So Jean Ah and Anita were kind enough to let me come over and do a load of laundry. While there, we witnessed this gorgeous sunset off their balcony. I got my camera out a few minutes too late and the beauty didn't last too long but I did snap a few pictures that I thought turned out pretty well. I LOVE this first one.....check out the volcano in the background. Isn't that amazing??????

They live really close to school, it is just down that street!

My Kiddos

We have a class called Advisory in our middle school program. These kids come to my class three times a week for thirty minutes and it is just kind of like a "homeroom" group. They are "my kids." I am the one that they can come to if they have a problem with something at school and we spend those 30 minutes when they are with me getting to know one another and doing some character building activities. I am really excited about this group and the things that we are going to do together this year. Here they are:

A few close ups.....I made them all take a head shot for me!!!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Wheels on the Bus...

go round and round, round and round, round and round, The wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town! OK, so we don't really sing that song on the bus but we do ride the big yellow school bus with the children to school in the mornings!!!! It's ok, I guess. It's a free ride to school so I can't complain, but it kind of stinks riding with all the kids! It's just weird. There are bus monitors that ride the buses with the kids and make sure that they are following the rules, etc. Well, they also make sure that the teachers are following the rules as well. The bus monitor in the morning is really strict! She has gotten onto two of our teachers so far! ha ha. We always give them a hard time about getting in trouble on the bus! One day Ruth was turned around talking to someone behind her and her legs were out in the aisle a little bit. The bus monitor came back and asked her to turn back around! Then just last week, Nina was finishing her breakfast on the bus and the monitor went back and asked one of the high school students to tell her that she needed to put her food away! It's just kind of funny to have the teachers getting in trouble on the bus. I mean, I know, we should be good influences on the kids and all but this is why there should be a separate teacher/student bus!!! ha ha. Enjoy the pictures! The first one is of the monitor telling someone else what to do! :)

Stephanie and Laurie on the bus

Andy and Nina with their forbidden coffee cups!

Ruth and Jen

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sang Il Chukha hamnida a Jean Ah!

Last night was my hotel-mate's birthday so a group of us all went out to eat for her birthday. She is a native Korean, so we decided to take her out to the Korean restaurant. You all know how excited I was about that one!!! ha ha. I was going for the fellowship and for Jean Ah! We met downstairs at 6:15 to be there at 6:45. I asked the guy at the front desk and he said it was only a few streets down, so I said, well I'm walking then. There were going to be 5 of us squished in the cab. So my friend Nina told her husband, Andy, to walk with me. So they got in the taxi to pick up another girl and Andy and I headed out. Well, first of all, it was raining which I didn't realize. Andy was nice enough to let me use his umbrella as he had a hat and a hood and I was the smart one who had nothing!!! So we start walking and I look at the address which is 27-2 Calle 12. Which means: it is the 27th building on 12th Street past 2nd Avenue. Yes, I am learning! So we start walking and realize we are at like 8th Avenue which means it is like six blocks away. Whatever. Well we walked for awhile and realize after about 20 minutes of walking that we are past 1st Avenue. So we asked this guard and he told us it is across the street and back a little ways. OK, no problem. We cross the street and go back the way we came from. We see the sign for the restaurant. We look and we see a shoe store. Hmmmm. I asked the guy who works there "Donde esta el restaurante?" (Where is the restaurant) He answers in Spanish to tell me it is closed and is no longer in service there. GREAT. Andy and I are a little scared by this point anyway and decided that after we ate we were going to take a taxi back. Now we're stuck and the traffic is horrific. The other people weren't even there yet because of the bad traffic. So we called the other girl who planned it and she's like oh great. So they decided on another restaurant as Andy and I were walking back to the hotel. We were done! We called the people in the taxi to tell them to get out of the taxi, which was running up a nice bill on the meter, and meet us at the hotel. So after dodging several cars, scary people, and dark alleys, we made it back to the hotel, the bottoms of my pants soaking wet and dirty! We waited for the other people and then they decided on a Mexican restaurant two blocks from our hotel. We met everyone there and had a wonderful meal!!! And praise the Lord, I didn't have to sit on the floor or smell kimchi at the Korean restaurant. Ha ha. We had a great time! Here are a few pictures that I snapped while there!!!!!! This is Mike and Wendy, the couple that I met on the plane on my way to Guatemala from Dallas! So funny!

Birthday girl, masked.....

Andy, my fearless walking partner, his wife, Nina, and I! They are awesome!!!! They met while attending high school together at an international school in Singapore. Their parents were both teachers there!

Ruth and I

Most of the group....

Sangil Chukha Hamnida......(Happy Birthday in Korean.....yes I did sing it to Jean Ah!!)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Applebee's and Sesame Street

Most of my friends have all moved out of the hotel right now so it's pretty boring around these parts right now! I am so ready to get moved into my own apartment with all of my things that I have bought so far! I went and bought my bed this weekend so now I need to go get my sheets and stuff before I get moved in as well. Fun fun. I waited for my friend Stephanie to get back from doing her laundry tonight and then we went and ate at Applebee's. It was really good, tastes just like it does in the States! It is just about a block and a half down from our hotel. Nice! Now I am back here in my hotel room watching Sesame Street in Spanish to try to learn some more vocabulary. They speak pretty slowly and simply on there so I can pick some stuff up!!!! ha ha. Never did I think I would be eating at Applebee's and watching Sesame Street in Guatemala!!!! :) Here are a few images of Sesame Street! Bet the little girls on Sesame Street in the United States don't learn to do this!!!!! :)

But the shapes are the same, they still learn the same there!!!!

Nothing Too Exciting!

This weekend was pretty low key for me. Friday night consisted of coming home on the 3:15 bus, which I am loving by the way! I went home and was planning on taking a nap. Then I got the brilliant idea to see if there was a spare computer modem at the front desk and see if it would work to plug my Lingo phone into that. We are all using wireless at the hotel but they do have spare modems and cables in case your wireless isn't working. So I went down to check and the guy had no idea what I was trying to do and was convinced it wasn't going to work. So I took it upstairs and concocted a devise that works!!! So if you know me and my Lingo number, you can call me now!!! You can email me if you need that number. So I didn't take my nap but I got my phone working. Then I went out to dinner with a friend at the hotel. We went to this nice Guatemalan steak house. It was good. Oh, and on my way out, when I told the guy it was working, he asked if he could call his cousin on my line sometime!!! ha ha. So we went to dinner, came back to the hotel and hung out with some other teachers, and called it an early night. Saturday, I got up, ate breakfast at the hotel, went to do some shopping at Price Smart (totally a Costco with a different name....even has Kirkland brand stuff). We took a taxi there and then our friend picked us up and we took all of our stuff back to the hotel. Then she drove us to this other store called Cemaco, where I have the pictures from a few weeks ago. We did some more shopping there and then she brought us back to the hotel. We took a brief nap and then I went to dinner with some friends to a Wings place. They had said that these are the best wings in Guatemala!!! Here are a few pictures from the wings place!!! In the first picture you can see the big sampler platter we ordered to see what everyone liked. We decided to go with the original buffalo wings but to kick the spiciness up one notch. Yeah, definitely a little too spicy for me. (Alexa, you would have loved it!!!) I felt like my mouth was on fire and that I could have easily breathed fire!!!!!
This first picture is of my friends Stephanie and Manoela.

This is my friend Danielle and her husband Miguel. They just got married this summer. GREAT people!!!

Danielle and I!

Stephanie, Danielle, me, and Manoela.

Danielle and I in front of the sign.

Then Sunday, I got up and went to church with Stephanie. Afterwards we came back to the hotel, ate breakfast, and then went to rest for a little while! I got to talk to my niece and nephew on the webcam!!! It was so much fun! I took a very short nap. Then we went to the grocery store via taxi and came home. Oh, the guy totally tried to rip us off on the way home. The cabs all have meters and the minimum fare is 25 Quetzales. So sometimes if you get close and it is still under 25, they will just turn the meter off. So he turned it off almost to the hotel and then he said, treinta y cinco (35) when we got to the hotel. I was like, QUE?? Por favor, Senor.....etc to let him know that we were only paying 25. He just kind of smirked, laughed, and took our 25 Quetzales. I hate how they try to take advantage of us gringas. Anyway, then we unloaded our groceries and then walked to the mall. I ordered my TV and it will be delivered whenever I move in!!!! Also, we saw Elmo at the mall, at which Stephanie was very excited!!!! ha ha.

And that was about the extent of my weekend. Nothing too exciting, just trying to get my apartment semi-ready for me to move into! I want to have most of my stuff already bought for when I move in. I need to go order my bed tonight. Woooo hooooo.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Me Encanta!

I do have this obligation to take a picture at McDonald's in every country I visit!! So here is my first Guatemala McDonald's visit!! And yes, it is the only time I have eaten there so far since I have been here!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Wow, I love middle school!

It is 10:30 am and I am finished teaching for the day!!! I love Fridays! At least I love Fridays with my middle school schedule! I teach two periods first thing in the morning and then I am done! I do have an advisory class and they will come in for a half hour before lunch but that is just kind of a get to know you time and in the future it will be other things such as silent reading time every Monday, other competitions and so on. I used to try to stay and work late on Fridays to get everything ready for the following week and so now I really like having a lot of planning time on Fridays in order to get things ready for the following week and not feel like I have to stay and work late. Anyway, just checking in to let you know that I have pretty much made it through two days now!!! Not much planned for the weekend although I would like to go dancing at some point. I want to try to get some more shopping done for my apartment that I don't have yet! :) Just to be prepared for when I can move in! Anyway, everything is going well here and I am ready for the weekend!!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Day of School

Here are some pictures from today!!! Enjoy! These are all kids that are in my advisory class, or pretty much like my homeroom. I see them for 30 minutes Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Apartment Update and Furniture Lottery

Just a few sidenote updates that are not nearly as exciting as the first day of school!!!! My projected move in date for my apartment is September 1. I am not expecting anything sooner than that but would be thrilled if it went through faster than that! I got a call a few days ago that was saying that the paperwork is almost through. I don't know the exact process around here in these parts of the world, but this is my understanding so far: 1. I pick an apartment. 2. I made a "bid" or "offer" on my place. 3. The real estate agent asks the owner if they will accept that deal. 3. If he says yes, then the owner has a lawyer draw up a contract of agreement. 4. That agreement gets submitted to the school who in turn gives it to their lawyer to review. 5. If there are no changes, the deposit check is drafted and I can get the keys. 5a. If there are changes needed, the changed contract is given back to the owner's lawyer for review. 6. Then I would get the keys after all the changes have been made. My contract has been drafted and is with the school's lawyer at the time being, so I am just waiting. No idea what a time frame is.
On another, yet a little similar, note, we had a furniture lottery at school yesterday. We walked into the gym and it was full of furniture: beds, tables and chairs, couches, microwaves, blenders, coffee pots, desks, etc. We all came armed with our post it notes and pens! We all drew a number and they started with number 1 and went through everyone and you got to pick one piece of furniture. Then they went backwards from 15 to 1. Then we picked again and did the whole process over again. I got for my apartment: two cute nightstands/bedside tables, a full size bed and headboard for my spare bedroom (yes, I am expecting guests!!!!), an entertainment center, a dining room table with four chairs, and a coffee pot. I am not a coffee maker (I will drink it but I never make it at home) but I got it for my coffee drinker friends who are going to come visit: ALEXA namely!!! I will roast up some good Guatemalan coffee for whoever wants to come visit!!! So anyway, those are my updates besides it being the first day of school!!! I will post pictures soon, I promise! After I go home and take my nap of course!

I Survived!!!!

Well, I have officially survived the first day of school!!!! It's not 3:00 and the kids haven't gone home yet but my day is "complete." We had our advisory kids in our classroom from 7:30 (yes, that is when school starts.....) until 10:15, at which point we took them to the auditorium for a welcome assembly. After the assembly we had lunch and then the kids had recess. Yes, recess in the middle school!! Then I had a fourth period class which met for 70 minutes, from 12:35-1:45 and then I dismissed the kids and I was free for the rest of the day!!! My first class went really well and I love my advisory kids as well. I will have to wait until I get home to the hotel where my computer is in order to upload pictures. I didn't take a ton but I snapped a few because I know my mom will be dying to see them! The kids are so cute and so nice and I am really excited to get to know them better and to improve on my Spanish as they do use a lot of Spanish around! I am super excited because even though I see two classes first thing in the morning tomorrow, I will be doing the exact thing with them that I did with my math class today so I don't feel a lot of pressure or stress about that! My copies are all already made and I feel pretty set to go! Also tomorrow I have two classes first thing in the morning but then I am done by 10:30 for the day!!! Pretty awesome!! I love middle school! Anyway, I am going to do some organizing so I can head home at a decent time tonight and get some other things done, like buying my bed and maybe even going shopping for some other household goods!

USA vs. Guatemala!

Tomorrow is my first day of school. Am I a little nervous? YES. Am I a little excited? YES. Am I a little scared? YES. Am I a little ready for it to be over? YES. All of the above. I can't wait to meet my students and to get started with our school year. I will be sure to take some pictures of them tomorrow and can post some pictures of my new students. My seventh grade team has been awesome as far as helping us newbies to get some plans and things together for the first day. I am not worried about it at all. I am just excited. (and a little bit nervous!!!) Tonight I went across the street to a sports bar to watch a soccer game. Not just any old soccer game but the US vs. Guatemala!!! WOW, what conflict of interests in just my few short first weeks here! I just kind of kept my mouth shut as the US prevailed in a 1-0 win. :) I smiled very big but did not shout out as I did not want to be injured in a bar full of Guatemalans!!!! I am off to bed now, waiting anxiously for the first day of school tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Guatemalan Runs

And, no, I'm not talking about going out for leisurely jogs along the streets here. For some of you (you know who you are) this is way too much information than you want to read about me. I'm warning you now, so don't blame me later! Don't worry, I'm not posting any pictures to go along with this post either! :) ha ha. So, if you haven't figured out yet, the Guatemalan runs are part of getting used to the life down here in Central America! I haven't posted for the last two days because I have spent the majority of my time (that was not at school) laying in bed and on the toilet! Yes folks, I have caught my first bout of the Guatemalan runs. It has not been fun. I have been battling this out with Immodium for the past 24 hours and now I am starting some Pepto Bismol today. I have been up for the last two nights several times in the middle of the night. I know most of you think, why are you posting this? This is disgusting. I mean, come on folks, I'm not giving you any details about it! :) This is just part of life down here. I'm sure this won't be the only bout I have with the runs. We talk about it with each other at school, trying to figure out what caused it, or what is working to stop it. Anyway, think about me and my poor belly if you can!!!! Check in starts in TWO DAYS!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

When It Rains, It Pours....

I had heard a lot about the rainy season here but quite frankly I had no idea what to expect. Is it going to rain all day? Will it rain every day? Will it sprinkle? Will it storm? I have quickly found out what the rainy season means! It does rain pretty much every day. It will go from being sunny outside to pouring down rain and thundering REALLY loudly! I mean, it seriously is the loudest thunder I have ever heard in my life!!! It will rain for anywhere from fifteen minutes to maybe an hour and a half and then it's done! It's kind of a pain because I hate carrying an umbrella or my raincoat everywhere but it's also a pain being caught out in the storms with nothing to help you either!!!! We were at the mall this weekend and it started pouring......probably one the hardest rains I've seen here yet. I took this picture below to try to show the rain, but it doesn't really do it justice! You can't really tell how hard it is coming down. We were walking around and all of the sudden we realized that the roof (which is pretty open air style) was leaking all over the place and certain stores/booths were having to close up and cover up all of their things. I guess just an every day occurrence in a city with a rainy season!!!


We had a long weekend this weekend and I kind of wanted to travel, but I also wanted to just stay and get to know this area where we are living here at the moment at the hotel. So some of the other girls stayed as well and we have spent time at the mall, catching up on sleep, and furniture shopping! We went to the mall Friday and Saturday. We found this mannequin who was more well-endowed than any other mannequin I've ever seen!! ha ha. I made my friend Vida stand next to her!

My friend and I have this running joke about how much Latino men love their mamas and I think my theory was cofirmed after shopping at this store yesterday. I think this was a section for Latino men to shop in......all these heart pillows and stuffed animals that said, "Te Quiero Ma Ma" which means I love you mom!

And lunch at the mall............aaaahhhhhhhhhh......need I say more???

PS: A note about Taco Bell, they serve french fries with their meals there!!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summer Fun!

So I did a lot of really fun things this summer, got to see so many different people and go to so many different places! I got to spend time in Arkansas, Cancun, Toronto, Connecticut, New Jersey, Philadelphia, New York, Colorado, and of course Missouri!!! It was a very fun filled seven weeks back in North America! :) Here are just a few random pictures of fun from the summer. I'm sure I'll post some more but I don't feel like I have any exciting Guatemala photos or stories to share with you today! We have just been working in our classrooms and trying to get as much as ready as we can. We do have a long weekend this weekend with a national Catholic holiday celebrated on Friday. Some people are going out of town, but I am going to stay here in the city and visit around and SLEEP and get some shopping done! So anyway, here are some random summer pictures, more from the end of the summer!
The first one here is with my dear friend Rebekah who I grew up with at First Baptist Church. We have had very different paths in our lives but have stayed in touch and try to see each other as often as possible! She and her husband and their three beautiful children are about to head off to serve in Italy! You can check out their blog on my blog roll!

I got the opportunity to spend a lot of time with my niece and nephew this summer. They are growing up so fast and so very precious to my heart! I try to spend as much time with them as I can when I go home! Grace is getting ready to start kindergarten next week!!!!! So hard to believe! I took them to go visit my grandpa in the nursing home!
So cute!

They love to go to the Kansas City Royals' games.......well maybe I should rephrase that to say that they love to eat at the ballpark! I took them to a few games last year so I told them I would take them again this year. We went to two games. They were HOT HOT HOT but fun! Is he not the cutest thing EVER???

The second game I took them to was a kids fun run day so after the game the kids got to run around the bases. I think they had a good time although Grace doesn't look too thrilled in this picture. She must have eaten too much cotton candy!

And this picture was the day that I left! I went to go say goodbye to Grace, Nate, and my sister! Sam came to the airport with us! They are sooooo cute. My sister's blog is on the blog roll too so you can check out some other pretty cute pictures of them!!!


In Korea, it was very hard to find stuff. I mean sometimes it would take several weeks between not knowing the hours or the whereabouts of something to actually get your hands on something. This week, the administrators have been soooo nice and helpful by taking us out to different places that we might not have known about before. I haven't purchased a whole lot just because I'm waiting until I am in my apartment before I actually purchase anything to avoid dragging it to two different places! BUT, it has been really nice to at least be able to see what is out there. We went to this store called Cemaco, which is kind of like a Bed Bath and Beyond/Home Depot/Home Goods type of store. It was HUGE!!! I was in heaven thinking that I can actually go do a large shopping trip and get a LOT of things for my apartment that I need! They had bathroom goods to bedroom goods to office stuff to kitchen stuff galore to lawn mowers to cleaning supplies to patio furniture! I was seriously in heaven. I had to take a few pictures to make my friends in Korea jealous! :) I know this will be nothing exciting to those of you in the US but overseas this is very exciting!!!!

Guess I didn't need to pack those two 9 x 13 glass Pyrex baking dishes, huh??? dang it!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Apartment Negotiation

OK, so I've had a few questions about why I have to put in an offer in on an apartment! The apartment prices are negotiable to some degree. They will negotiate about things such as whether you want to keep or give your parking spots, whether they are going to include furniture in the apartment, or whether they are going to include refrigerator, washer/dryer, stove, etc. So for example, the apartment I wanted was $750 which included all of those things (stove, refrigerator, washer/dryer) or it was only $700 without that stuff. Well, I asked if I could get it for $700 and have it include all of those things. Also you can negotiate with your parking spots, but since the building I want is brand new, I will have to wait a few months when everyone gets moved in and then I can possibly rent out my parking spots on my own.
UPDATE: I just received a phone call a few minutes ago and I GOT the apartment!!!!! It should take a few weeks for all of the paperwork to go through and then I should be able to start getting moved in, so I can't wait to take lots of pictures to show you!! It is BEAUTIFUL!!!

The Hotel

Just a few other random pictures that I took around our hotel. It isn't like a big high rise or anything. It is an apartment/hotel so more geared toward long term guests. It is really nice for what we are needing it for. This is the street that our hotel is on. It is a pretty major street and you can see how there are like access road type things on the side of the street.

This is me outside the hotel. You can see where it says "Apart-Hotel" is the entrance to our hotel.

Today was a good day (for a Monday....ha). I had a relaxing weekend and didn't really do a whole lot, but at least I got some groceries. I had meetings all day today and then came home and relaxed for a few hours. Then I went to this little coffee house/book store a block down the street with a friend. We had something to drink and enjoyed some nice conversation and then read (or tried to read) some of the Spanish children's books to practice our vocabulary!!! I have been able to speak some Spanish and understand quite a bit. I can't wait to get a Spanish tutor or a language exchange partner so I can work on my Spanish more!!! Well, I am off to bed and hope that I will get my apartment secured tomorrow!!!! I will let you know. The real estate agent had a meeting with the owners today and I told her a definite yes on putting down my offer and I will find out tomorrow if they took it or not!!!!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

The School

So I took a few pictures of the campus today and of my classroom. They aren't the best but I figured they would do for now to give you an idea of how beautiful the school is! Here is a view of my classroom from one side. You can see the nice big windows on the whole side. It is like that on the other side as well. I love the big A frame buildings as well!

This is looking at the other side of the classroom.

The campus is soooooo GREEN!!! I just can't get over all the open GREEN space! It is so beautiful, I love it!! They encourage us to go outside with our classes as much as possible!

My friend Ruth and I on campus. I met her on the plane and we are both teaching middle school math. Again.......soooo green!!!

This is when you first drive into the school. CAG = Colegio Americano de Guatemala

Just another view at how open the campus is and how much nice space there is in between everything!! I LOVE IT!