Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Last Friday, with it being Halloween and all, we let the kids dress up as book characters or famous people for school. They were so cute!! Here are a few kids in my first period before my camera battery died. First we have Mozart. He told me that he looked up online and found a picture of him and these were even the clothes that he was wearing!!!!

This kid on the left, obviously, didn't have anything good to come up with so he found a clown wig and a weird old man mask and wore it. It was quite comical though as he sat in my class with this on. The mouth moved with his mouth and everything. He is a funny kid. Here he is with his neighbor, Amelia Bedelia. She is so cute!

And we had a showing of Bart Simpson in class. ha ha. (With Tom Sawyer behind him, full on with a fishing pole and all!!!!)

And the Cat in the Hat even showed up!

So crazy!!!!\

The kids had a lot of fun and everything went off really well. They had a good time!! We had an assembly where we voted on the best costume. Elvis won....he even did some Elvis moves!

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