It is not uncommon to see guys with machetes working on the lawn around here. This is what they use to cut tree branches, to trim weeds, sometimes even to cut the grass. Seriously. The guys walk around with them like they are nothing. Well yesterday, I was opening up the back door to my classroom and I noticed the handle of one of them sticking out from behind the lockers. I didn't think much of it until later and I was like, hmmmm did I just see what I think I saw? So Danielle had come by and I showed her. There were no worker guys out there, so I pulled it out and it was a full on machete. I about died!! Where is the safety here people? Please excuse the double/triple chin here but otherwise just look at the machete making its home behind my classroom! ha ha. Maybe I could use it to threaten the children. Ha ha.

I sure hope you don't tick off any of the students! Maybe one of them planted it there!
Yes yes, the guns on campus allowed, but feel free to give your underpaid, overworked employees 20-inch blades to yield.
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