Thursday, November 5, 2009

Spanish Classes

This year our school has started offering us Spanish lessons on campus. It's great. It costs about $100 for lessons for the entire year, two days a week after school, right on our campus. It's awesome. I'm in a class with about six other teachers, we have a fun, easy to understand teacher and I get to work on understanding and speaking Spanish for an hour. Quite the deal. I have really enjoyed it so far. We just started a few weeks ago and had our third class today. So, I get to class, exhausted, sit down, am talking to my friend, we start class, our teacher is telling us what we are going to do at first, he tells us to write one sentence in our notebook answering his question, and we're off. He takes off his jacket to settle in, I look up as I begin writing, and lo and behold what is he wearing??? A Kansas City Royals t-shirt!!!! I couldn't believe it! The Royals!!! I of course asked him about it! I said, "Royals, verdad, los Royals???" He said, "oh, si, de Kansas City." I said, "Yo se, es mi cuidad, es mi equipo!!" (I know, it's my city, my team!) I couldn't believe that I was witnessing someone with a KC Royals t-shirt on in Guatemala. So of course I had to take a picture of my teacher, Juan Carlos, and I in his Royals shirt! Too funny!

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