Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Writing Course/Therapy

Tonight I just finished my sixth master's class out of nine in my program. This was one of my favorite classes. We had an awesome professor which makes a world of difference but also I loved the course. It was called Teaching the Writing Process. And boy did we write. It was great. We wrote from picture prompts, we wrote from story starters, we wrote from our heart. Writing for me is kind of like therapy. I can dig deep and write and possibly share it but it is more for me to just get some feelings out and let those things off my chest. I really used this class for that! :) Just trying to get my money's worth! We also talked a lot about going through the whole writing process. I am definitely a "I like to write one draft of something and turn it in" kind of writer so it was kind of hard for me to actually go through the whole process, but it was great. Conferencing with other colleagues, revising, revisioning our papers, getting other's opinions, making me dig deeper. Tonight was our last class. Our professor had asked each of us to write a piece, go through the writing process with it and share it in class tonight. I decided to write a letter to my nephew, Noah, who we lost almost three years ago. I wasn't sure I could read it in class without crying so I recorded myself reading it and put it to music and pictures. Despite my quick and nervous reading, I was pretty proud of the way it turned out. Just thought I'd share! Hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed remembering our precious Noah and getting to write to him.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Wow. Each and every one of those kids are so lucky to have you for an aunt. That was a really awesome tribute to Noah.