Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Long time, No blog

Yes, I do realize it has been about a month since I blogged (not counting the post I just wrote about climbing the volcano in January). I am going to go through my pictures tonight and figure out what I need to blog about.

Not that I am trying to make excuses or anything, but I have been super busy!!! I bought a new car, so I spent several weekends/days making phone calls, going to look at cars, trying to figure out how to do everything here in Guate to buy a car, etc. I will write more about my car later, but that definitely took up a lot of my time. I am also working on my master's degree with a program here that my school offers, so I had class for two weeks, which pretty much put me out of commission. My program is with Framingham State University in Massachusetts, and it is comprised of nine classes. I will take 4 of those classes this year, 5 next year. The classes meet for two weeks at a time, 3 hours each evening after school and then two Saturdays for 8 hours. So needless to say, I don't feel like writing any more after my class! I also went away one weekend to the beach and did not take my computer!!! ha ha.

Well anyway, my school day is over. I am heading home in my new car. Will blog more later. Hope I am not losing my audience after such an absence. ha ha. :)

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