Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Followers!!!

So the other day when I was doing all of this updating on my blog, I noticed something on the right side that I had never seen before. It's kind of fun to see who is reading my blog and since NO ONE ever leaves me comments on anything, besides the fact that the counter is going up, sometimes I wonder if anyone besides my mom is reading this thing. Which is fine, I would still post all the pictures and write the stories for her! It is also fun to look back on my time here and see the things of the past as well. But the other day, I noticed something that I had never noticed before: it says "Followers." I was like, hmm, what's this? Then I saw two names down below: Chris Winters and Ryan Bush. I suddenly felt so great, I have followers. Now, this is not something I would really want to say that I have, living in Guatemala. It's not a good thing to have people following you, but I was super excited!!! So here is my shout out to Chris and Ryan!!! Chris is a great friend who I taught fifth grade with in Korea. I came to love and adore his family! His two precious little girls became like mis sobrinas (my nieces) to fill my void of being "Aunt Kammie" while living in Korea. They were totally there for me when my nephew passed away and I showed up in tears on their doorstep at 7:00 am. I used Bella (their daughter) as an excuse to go eat McDonalds and to go to fun things in Korea, such as the Bubble Show. It was so hard to leave them last June. I am way excited that they will be moving to Venezuela in August and I can go visit them there!! I am hoping to make a trip over Thanksgiving or sometime when I have several days off! Ryan is a friend from college that I have had some other connections with. He and his wife worked in Peru for a period of time and had connections to the NICS school that I worked at in Korea. I had also gone on my first missions trip to Peru, so we had that connection as well. Ryan gave me inspiration for an idea of how to decorate my apartment. Anyway, if you click on their names above, it will take you to their websites. Thanks for being my "followers," mis amigos!!!!

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