I gave my mom a little surprise this morning. Hallmark has this online thing called Smilebox where you can put pictures into all of these different templates and send them out. They are really cute and my mom LOVES them. She always sends me pictures of my niece and nephews so I can't complain about her Smileboxes. They are really nice to get to see pictures of my family and see the things that they are doing. Well, I sent my mom a Smilebox of her own last night!!! My friend Stephanie always gets to see the Smileboxes that my mom sends me so we were waiting for a taxi at the mall the other day and we saw this sign: Futura Mama. These signs always crack me up written in Spanish, I just think they are so cute, so I went to take a picture of it. Stephanie and I decided it would be fun to have a photo shoot by the sign and send the pictures to my mom in a Smilebox. Here it is:
I got a phone call at 7:50 am this morning just making sure it wasn't for real!!!! ha ha. I thought it was kind of funny. I guess this Smilebox didn't make my mom smile too much! :)
Oh, and PS: The picture with that guy is just some random guy who was outside on his smoke break. Stephanie went over and asked him if he had a minute and if he could help us for a minute. He was like sure, and thought something was wrong that we needed help with. Then we told him that we needed a picture with him for a joke for my mom! (Un chiste para mi mama!!)
Oh and also: the cigar picture, that was another first for me! I had tried to smoke one before but couldn't do it. Stephanie had bought some cigars for some friends and we tried to smoke the leftovers one night but we didn't know how. We tried to look it up online but couldn't figure it out, so when our friend Andy brought us home the other night we asked him if he could teach us to smoke the cigar! So the three of us shared one!