Last Sunday, a few girls organized a Christmas party for the kids from an orphanage that they work with. It was such a great day. The girls did a great job organizing the party, the kids had a great time, the volunteers were very engaged with all the kids, andwe had beautiful weather. I couldn't have asked for a better Sunday afternoon. There were outside activities and games that the kids could play and then there were a variety of activities going on inside the gym as well. A few teachers from our school who go visit this orphanage weekly organized everything for the kids. We did it at another international school here in Guatemala, Colegio Maya, so that we would have a big field, playground, gym, etc. Stephanie and I ran the cookie decorating table. Well, really Stephanie did everything and I just kind of hung out, ate some cookies, and helped a few kids! It was really a great day. After last Sunday, I really want to get involved in this orphanage and start going on a regular basis to visit the kids. I got to hold some precious little babies (one only a month old!!!) and hang out with some cool kids. The kids were so well behaved and polite and it was just overall a wonderful wonderful day.
Helping a few little cutie boys decorate their cookies!
Helping a few little cutie boys decorate their cookies!

This little girl was so cute. She had orange frosting all over her mouth and was so embarrassed, but I made her take a picture with me! It was too cute to resist.

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