Monday, September 22, 2008

Hot Girls Read

Sorry I didn't post this weekend, for some reason my computer at home has been weird on blogger the last few times I have tried to post so I will have to do most of my posting from school. With my awesome schedule here, it shouldn't be too much of a problem!!!!! So I just had to share this funny bit of info before I post about my weekend and a few other random pictures that I wanted to post. We have our advisory class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a half hour. Every Monday is what we call Libros, where the kids just read for the 30 minutes. They can bring in anything (appropriate of course) to read for that time. Well, the kids aren't super fond of it but it works. So today, these girls come in and ask what we are doing in advisory. I say, it's Monday, Libros. One girl says, aaaawwwwww, like yuck. And this other girl says, oh yeah, it's Libros. Then she proceeds to tell me, "Miss Bass, I have a bumper sticker and it says, 'Hot Girls Read.'" ha ha ha. Anyway, I just found that very humorous that a 7th grader would say that! :) Have a nice Monday!

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