Thursday, March 19, 2009

Casa del Mundo, the hotel

This hotel we stayed at was so cool. It is built into the side of this cliff, so it was hard to get a great photo of the place. But here are some great photos of the views we had and of some places here at the hotel. This will have to suffice! :)

Off our patio our first morning.

Our room was right by this area, called "Descanso." It basically means the resting area. I was happy we were so close to it!

This was looking up from our room where we stayed.

Off to the left of the balcony.

This is looking down. There were all these little levels and areas where you could sit and sunbathe with chairs and some places had steps down into the lake.

Morning number two!

The helicopter flying over. We joked if it was one of our students heading back to the city after a weekend at the lake!

Another hotel off to the left. You can see how they are built into the sides of the cliff.

These were the killer stairs. We about died every time we had to walk up and down them. Anytime to get down to the lake or back up to our room. They were bad!!! There were many of them.

So peaceful and relaxing.

1 comment:

Betty and Dale Smith said...

Love the blog layout...isn't it new? Have fun with Gretchen and Mike when they get there!!