This weekend was pretty low key for me. Friday night consisted of coming home on the 3:15 bus, which I am loving by the way! I went home and was planning on taking a nap. Then I got the brilliant idea to see if there was a spare computer modem at the front desk and see if it would work to plug my Lingo phone into that. We are all using wireless at the hotel but they do have spare modems and cables in case your wireless isn't working. So I went down to check and the guy had no idea what I was trying to do and was convinced it wasn't going to work. So I took it upstairs and concocted a devise that works!!! So if you know me and my Lingo number, you can call me now!!! You can email me if you need that number. So I didn't take my nap but I got my phone working. Then I went out to dinner with a friend at the hotel. We went to this nice Guatemalan steak house. It was good. Oh, and on my way out, when I told the guy it was working, he asked if he could call his cousin on my line sometime!!! ha ha. So we went to dinner, came back to the hotel and hung out with some other teachers, and called it an early night. Saturday, I got up, ate breakfast at the hotel, went to do some shopping at Price Smart (totally a Costco with a different name....even has Kirkland brand stuff). We took a taxi there and then our friend picked us up and we took all of our stuff back to the hotel. Then she drove us to this other store called Cemaco, where I have the pictures from a few weeks ago. We did some more shopping there and then she brought us back to the hotel. We took a brief nap and then I went to dinner with some friends to a Wings place. They had said that these are the best wings in Guatemala!!! Here are a few pictures from the wings place!!! In the first picture you can see the big sampler platter we ordered to see what everyone liked. We decided to go with the original buffalo wings but to kick the spiciness up one notch. Yeah, definitely a little too spicy for me. (Alexa, you would have loved it!!!) I felt like my mouth was on fire and that I could have easily breathed fire!!!!!
This first picture is of my friends Stephanie and Manoela.

This is my friend Danielle and her husband Miguel. They just got married this summer. GREAT people!!!
Danielle and I!
Stephanie, Danielle, me, and Manoela.
Danielle and I in front of the sign.
Then Sunday, I got up and went to church with Stephanie. Afterwards we came back to the hotel, ate breakfast, and then went to rest for a little while! I got to talk to my niece and nephew on the webcam!!! It was so much fun! I took a very short nap. Then we went to the grocery store via taxi and came home. Oh, the guy totally tried to rip us off on the way home. The cabs all have meters and the minimum fare is 25 Quetzales. So sometimes if you get close and it is still under 25, they will just turn the meter off. So he turned it off almost to the hotel and then he said, treinta y cinco (35) when we got to the hotel. I was like, QUE?? Por favor, Senor.....etc to let him know that we were only paying 25. He just kind of smirked, laughed, and took our 25 Quetzales. I hate how they try to take advantage of us gringas. Anyway, then we unloaded our groceries and then walked to the mall. I ordered my TV and it will be delivered whenever I move in!!!! Also, we saw Elmo at the mall, at which Stephanie was very excited!!!! ha ha.

And that was about the extent of my weekend. Nothing too exciting, just trying to get my apartment semi-ready for me to move into! I want to have most of my stuff already bought for when I move in. I need to go order my bed tonight. Woooo hooooo.
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