One of my favorite restaurants here!!! :) Stop rolling your eyes, I know who you are! This is one of the places that is close enough for us to walk to from our hotel, but even the block and a half we have to walk to get there is a bit dangerous for us to be walking alone after dark if it is just us girls. The food there is really good though and not too totally over priced! The bus stop in the mornings is right down the street from here, so I had Stephanie snap this picture for me! Yes, I was actually a few minutes early for the bus, can you believe it????

So, on the topic of finding places to is a little synopsis of our everyday occurences when it is dinner time here at the hotel. I will call Stephanie (we are 2 of 3 people left here at the hotel.....we used to all call each other) and say, so are you hungry? She's like yeah. So then we say, ok let's go downstairs and have the front desk guy order something for us. So we go downstairs and he's like, oh great here come the Americans for dinner! ha ha. Every now and then we will walk somewhere very close to our hotel to go eat but we have stuff ordered in a lot of times as well. Then our friend will call the restaurants and get something ordered or he will help us figure out where is close that we can go. On Friday, I was just tired of being here and not being able to cook for myself and having to eat out all the time but not even being able to walk anywhere we wanted and I was just tired of it all. I just wanted something fast and it was already kind of late and so it was dark, so Steph and I didn't really want to walk anywhere by ourselves. OK, let me rephrase that, I was being the baby who didn't want to go anywhere alone. Stephanie was ok with it! :) I was like, ok let's just go to Burger King, it's close. But I still didn't want to go alone, so our front desk friend told us that the bellboy could go with us!!! So we bought dinner for the front desk guy and the bellboy so he would walk with us! Then the next day he walked me to the ATM!
1 comment:
in the end, it was ok that you didn't want to walk by yourself... then we could spend quality time with Herbert! :)
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