Monday, September 15, 2008

Car Accident

I am about to head home from the beach weekend. I will write a long post when I get home but I was just sitting here waiting for my ride home and thought I would write a quick update. On Saturday morning, we left (four of us girls) to come down to the beach. We were right where the turn off is to come to the ferry to get to the beach when this big semi truck came into our lane around this corner, going way faster than he should have been and ran into the entire side of our friends car. He ran us off the road a little bit, all the glass in all the windows shattered and then he drove off. We are all ok, we walked away with a few scratches here and there. I am still having a hard time getting over that fact. It was really scary. I have some pictures and other stories that I will share when I get back. But, I am alive and my friends are alive and we are ok. There were some very very very nice Guatemalan people that stopped and helped us with everything. Anyway, I am about to go pack up and get ready to head back into the city. Another fellow teacher is giving us a ride back. We already sent two of the other girls back in another car. Will post more soon! Happy Guatemalan Independence Day!!!!


Beth said...

That is terrible, Cammie!

I'm glad you are okay, though.

What happened with the car??

Anonymous said...

im SO glad that you are okay

i miss you