I realized one day that I didn't really have any pictures of my building where I live. I think it's really pretty so here are some pictures for you to see.
And the long awaited picture of my car! I put pictures on my facebook so I guess I kept forgetting that I didn't have pictures on my blog!!! I did really purchase a car here in Guatemala and here is the proof now. This has like changed my life and my quality of life here!! I now have the freedom to go to the store when I want, go to eat when I want, go to the movies, go shopping, etc and leave to come home whenever I want. I can also go out and run errands and not have to worry about how to carry all of my stuff around from all of the stores! It's soooooo nice!
And here I am in it, just to really prove to you that it is mine! ha. Yes, I am sitting in my car inside the parking garage in my building!
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