Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Teacher Prom 2009

The teachers at our school have a Prom each year. Not a prom, like a dance for the kids, but a prom as in let's all act like we are seniors and have our own prom! And that we did. It was so much fun, probably even more fun than my own high school prom! We all got dressed up, some in old bridesmaid dresses (me!) and some in rather hideous dresses bought at thrift shops here in Guatemala while others wore dresses that were in style from the year that they went to prom in high school. It was a fun time had by all. I wore a dress that I have now gotten about 3-4 wears out of, first at a New Year's Eve fancy party, then at my sister's wedding, and I believe I wore it to another occasion that I can't recall. And now for prom 2009!!!

Several of us even got our hair done! One girl has a friend who is a hair dresser here so we paid her about ten bucks to fix our hair! She did a great job!

These two girls bought matching dresses at a Guatemalan thrift shop! So cute and 80s!

Me, Jaime, and Steph, ready to party!!!

All of the girls all dressed up for prom!

More friends, Manoela, me, Melissa!

After we got kicked out of the party room, we went to one of our favorite bars in Guatemala to continue the party! A few people changed clothes but most of us went in our prom dresses! We were quite the crowd!

Party is over!

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