Last night was my hotel-mate's birthday so a group of us all went out to eat for her birthday. She is a native Korean, so we decided to take her out to the Korean restaurant. You all know how excited I was about that one!!! ha ha. I was going for the fellowship and for Jean Ah! We met downstairs at 6:15 to be there at 6:45. I asked the guy at the front desk and he said it was only a few streets down, so I said, well I'm walking then. There were going to be 5 of us squished in the cab. So my friend Nina told her husband, Andy, to walk with me. So they got in the taxi to pick up another girl and Andy and I headed out. Well, first of all, it was raining which I didn't realize. Andy was nice enough to let me use his umbrella as he had a hat and a hood and I was the smart one who had nothing!!! So we start walking and I look at the address which is 27-2 Calle 12. Which means: it is the 27th building on 12th Street past 2nd Avenue. Yes, I am learning! So we start walking and realize we are at like 8th Avenue which means it is like six blocks away. Whatever. Well we walked for awhile and realize after about 20 minutes of walking that we are past 1st Avenue. So we asked this guard and he told us it is across the street and back a little ways. OK, no problem. We cross the street and go back the way we came from. We see the sign for the restaurant. We look and we see a shoe store. Hmmmm. I asked the guy who works there "Donde esta el restaurante?" (Where is the restaurant) He answers in Spanish to tell me it is closed and is no longer in service there. GREAT. Andy and I are a little scared by this point anyway and decided that after we ate we were going to take a taxi back. Now we're stuck and the traffic is horrific. The other people weren't even there yet because of the bad traffic. So we called the other girl who planned it and she's like oh great. So they decided on another restaurant as Andy and I were walking back to the hotel. We were done! We called the people in the taxi to tell them to get out of the taxi, which was running up a nice bill on the meter, and meet us at the hotel. So after dodging several cars, scary people, and dark alleys, we made it back to the hotel, the bottoms of my pants soaking wet and dirty! We waited for the other people and then they decided on a Mexican restaurant two blocks from our hotel. We met everyone there and had a wonderful meal!!! And praise the Lord, I didn't have to sit on the floor or smell kimchi at the Korean restaurant. Ha ha. We had a great time! Here are a few pictures that I snapped while there!!!!!! This is Mike and Wendy, the couple that I met on the plane on my way to Guatemala from Dallas! So funny!
Andy, my fearless walking partner, his wife, Nina, and I! They are awesome!!!! They met while attending high school together at an international school in Singapore. Their parents were both teachers there!

Sangil Chukha Hamnida......(Happy Birthday in Korean.....yes I did sing it to Jean Ah!!)

1 comment:
that deleted comment was mine... couldn't change the name :)
here's my real comment: jean ah looks mildly amused in that last picture
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