We had a few school wide activities that went on in the short time that we were in school in December! One of them was on a Thursday night, it was a school event called "Noche de Luces" and for the longest time I didn't exactly know what was going to go on at this event! Everybody just said, well there is a big fireworks show and they sell food and you can buy stuff. I was like, ok. Well, the KFC of Guatemala is called Pollo Campero and I really like it! They put on a fireworks show for this event at our school. It was really good. The event lasted from like 4-8 or until it got dark when the fireworks went off. Danielle and I ventured back there and got us some Pollo Campero. There was soooo much food being sold and about anything that you could ever want to eat! We ate and ate and ate! It was all so good. We had fried chicken, papusas, crepes on a stick, and I'm sure a few other things I can't remember! It was so fun. Here is Danielle pointing out our Pollo Campero that we were craving!
Sam, concentrating! I work with his dad in 7th grade!
And Alexis, the cutest little thing around!
These were all the tables and tents that were set up for eating at Noche de Luches. All of those tents were different restaurants or individuals selling food. Some families came and were selling food from their home countries.
Churros are really popular here. They are this fried dough and here in Guate, they can be filled with various things. A lot of the kids had them filled with Nutella!!! Yummy!!!!!
The last Friday that we had school, we only had a half day of classes and then the parent organization held a lunch for all of the faculty and staff at our school. It was a really nice lunch catered by the Hyatt (I think) and they had a wealth of prizes to give away by drawing names out of a bucket! It was a lot of fun. It was probably the coldest afternoon of the week and probably even in the past few weeks so our nice lunch outside was a little chilly! It was still really fun and nice though. I think the highlight was probably when one of our three bald (by choice! ha ha) teachers got picked to win the prize of the liter bottles of shampoo and conditioner! ha ha. He was quite embarrassed as were the moms that were doing the giveaway! They found another prize to give him! It was pretty funny though. When all of the staff and faculty gets together, we form a pretty large group as you can see in the photos below!!!
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