After I finally made it in to Missouri late that Friday night, I called the Millers who were driving from Colorado to Columbia, Missouri, and were going to stop off in Kansas City so we could meet for breakfast. Gretchen said they were on their way and should be in Kansas City around 6:30 or 7. I just told her to call so I wouldn't have to get up! So my phone rang around 5:30 am and they were almost there!!!! I got up, brushed my teeth, and threw some clothes on and went to meet them at IHOP! It was soooo good to see them and so fun to get to see the kids and how big they have gotten. They were not people I was definitely expecting to see over Christmas vacation so it was a really fun part of my trip! Here I am with Makena and Beckett. They are pretty much like my niece and nephew as I got to meet Makena shortly after they brought her back from Ethiopia and as I met Beckett the night he was born and kept Makena while Mike and Gretchen were at the hospital. They are a very special couple and now family to me!!!
Gretchen (my sister...ha ha) and I with the kiddos. Gretchen, after driving for about 10 hours in the car and me after traveling all day the day before and being up at 5:30 am! :)
I also got the chance to meet little Ross, who being stubborn, had to wait until a few days after I left in August to decide to be born! Natalie and I were in the same kindergarten class, so it's always a lot of fun to see her and catch up and think about the fact that we have been friends for about 25 years!!! Kind of weird! I don't keep up with a lot of people from back in Missouri but it's really fun to keep up with an old kindergarten buddy! And fun to meet her little baby now!
I also had another unexpected visit with another friend that I taught with in Korea. Krista and I met up at the mall in Kansas, where she is from. I took Grace and Sam and we had a good ole time catching up. Grace took this picture of us! ha ha.
It was a lot of fun to see Krista. We took the kids on the carousel and took this self portrait of ourselves! :)
Since Natalie lives in Kansas, after we went to the mall, we stopped by Natalie's house so I could see her again and Sam wanted to hold baby Ross! It was so sweet. Then when he was done, he just kind of got up and left! ha ha. He is a good big brother, which is a good thing since I have another little niece or nephew on the way!!!!
I also keep in touch with my friend Andrea, who I went to junior high school with and we played on the same basketball team in 6th, 7th and 8th grade. She has a little boy who is almost the same age as Grace and then she just had twin girls last January. They are so cute!
I took Grace and Sam down to Crown Center one day and our longtime family friend, Ed, took us into the Hallmark building where he works downtown. It was so fun. We saw this cool Hoops and Yoyo tree all decorated with only their stuff!
It was so fun to see everyone and especially seeing so many people I wasn't for sure if I would get to see or not. Friends from kindergarten to friends from Korea, what a great trip. I am constantly reminded at how important relationships are and how grateful I am to have those special bonds and friendships in my life. I have so many good friends, literally, all over the world. I am so thankful at how God uses so many different people at different times in my life.
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