Christmas is so much more fun when there are kids around. Nothing beats seeing the joy on their faces when they open presents that they are so excited about and watching them! I love spending Christmas day with my niece and nephews and they have added so much joy to our family. I have gotten into the habit of spending Christmas Eve at my sister's house so that I don't have to get up and get ready in the morning and am just there for when the kids are opening presents. Otherwise I probably wouldn't get to her house until like noon when everything was over! This year I went to sleep after everyone and went to bed in Sam's top bunk of his bunk beds. I'm not sure the kids knew where I was but they didnt' wake me up until about 9:30 or 10! We had a fun Christmas watching the kids open up and play with all of their new toys! Sam got a new work bench that he enjoyed playing with. Nate wanted part of it too!
Nate was a little more into opening presents this year. It was very cute! He really enjoyed this piggy bank that he got! The small joys in life!
One of the few pictures I have with Grace with her hair out of her face!
Sam in his cute Christmas pajamas!
Nate concentrating to open his gift!
Sam liked Nate's microphone as much as Nate did!
One of the joys of getting new presents is all the packaging they put on the toys these days. My sister really enjoyed taking all of the new toys out of their packages. ha ha
The kids got this new game where you put this tail around your waist and it's almost like flag football as you chase each other around on all fours and act like animals and try to get the tails off of the other players! Nate looked so cute with his tail on!
The animals posing!
I got these Christmas pajamas for Grace when she was a baby. I would say they have made their rounds! They are just so cute though! Merry Christmas!!!!

Rise of the Guardians
10 years ago
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