Not sure if this was Christmas Eve or not, but it is just so fun to be back home and be with my niece and nephews at Christmas time. I just love spending as much time as I can with them! Here we all were watching TV one morning, still in pajamas, my favorite thing! :)

On Christmas Eve, we went to church at my sister's church. My nephew was singing in one service and my niece was singing in the next service. I got to hold little sleeping Nate during the services.

Grace didn't do such a hot job singing her song! She didn't know any of the words and just stood there and looked cute. Which you can see she managed to do a pretty good job!! This was actually while we were sitting in church during the service that Sam sang in!

The pictures of Sam singing did not turn out good at all, but here is one that you can kind of see what he did. He knew the words and sang his song really well that he was supposed to be singing, but about halfway through he decided that he was kind of tired and needed to rest on the ledge in front of him!

With all the nieces and nephews on Christmas Eve after church in our Christmas clothes! (Well the kids at least!)

Me and Sam

Sam, well, just being Sam!

And more of just being Sam!

me and our little miracle, Nate!

All the girls in our family: my sister, Kellie, me, mom, sister Kristi, and Grace in the front!

Sam loves puzzles so here he was working his that he got for Christmas. He is so cute. Everytime he got a gift he wanted to stop right then and use it or play with it before he opened something else.

Sam and Grace got their scooters out to use to pass out the presents to everyone. Nate thought it looked like fun and that he needed a turn.

Nate, being cute!

Sam, writing in his notepad!

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