I left New York on Friday, when there were storms being predicted to come in all night and throughout the whole day. When I woke up in the morning, schools were cancelled already for areas all over Connecticut and I was worried about if I was going to get out or not. My friend who was flying to Florida went the night before to avoid any trouble from the storms. Well, everything was supposedly on schedule when I called in the morning so I made my way to the airport, just in the nick of time and everything still appeared to be on time. I got through security, no problem, saw that my flight was delayed about 15 minutes, so I had time to grab lunch. We were leaving right about noon, but I didn't want to be starving on the plane. We all got on the plane and were ready to leave just a few minutes late. It was starting to snow outside but they said we were still going to get off. By this time, flights after mine were starting to get cancelled left and right. They told us that we had to wait to for the deicing truck to get to our plane before we could leave. Well, one thing kept happening after another ranging from: only one deicing truck in operation, that one truck running out of deicing fluid, another plane in the deicing line had a medical emergency and we had to wait for paramedics, planes getting sent back to New York and jumped ahead of us in the deicing line, only one runway getting used at Laguardia. FOUR HOURS LATER, we finally took off for Minneapolis. I had this nice lady from the Dominican Republic (my Spanish comes in handy in the US as well) who was sitting next to me that let me use her cell phone to call my sister and keep my family updated on what was going on and if I was going to get home. At one point, the gate agent came on the plane and said if we wanted to get off we could, but flights were cancelled and full and probably we wouldn't leave New York until Monday! (This was on Friday!) I opted to stay on and take my chances of getting stuck in Minneapolis! Here are some pictures from what the airport looked like in New York!
This one was before I even boarded the plane, the snow was just starting to come down!
Out my window, just waiting and waiting and waiting!
The planes getting deiced.
We finally made it out of New York and I saw a beautiful sunset over the clouds on my flight to Minneapolis. As many times as I've flown, I still can't get over the beauty and amazement of flying over the clouds! This was just so pretty as we flew over the clouds!
Sooooo pretty!
It's almost over!!!!
We finally made it into Minneapolis and when we got there they had a gate set up where anyone who had missed their connection, they had printed out the next flights going to your destination. There were still two more flights to Kansas City and I even had time to grab a slice of pizza and call my parents and tell them what time I was going to be home. After a full day of travel, I was finally home with my family!!!!
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