The word for niece and nephews in Spanish is sobrinos, so I am always talking about mis sobrinos here in Guatemala! I took home some Guatemalan gifts for mis sobrinos in the United States! I even tell them to call me tia Kammie, for aunt Kammie in Spanish! Grace is always asking me what her name and how I say other things in Spanish! It's really cute! Here is Grace when she opened up her Guatemalan shirt!
Sam insisted on putting his jersey on for the rest of the night after he opened his. He looked so cute!
And Nate really liked his Guatemalan kitty cat! He loves cats and can say "meow meow" so it was really cute!
I got Sam and Nate hacky sacks from Guatemala. I'm not sure they really eat them but whatever! ha ha. They really liked these, in fact, I think I need to get Grace one next time!
Don't they look cute in their little jerseys. Nate's was a little bit big but he can grow into it! :)
Little Guatemalan worker!
We weren't too successful in the photo op with our Guatemalan jerseys on. It wasn't until I bribed the kids to take them to Starbucks that they finally put them back on! ha ha.
About as good as it gets!
Me and Nate!
It's more like a dress on him!
This was as good as it got for a picture with all of us together!!! ha ha
Grace and Sam were the ones getting the bribe to Starbucks!
Grace and Tia Kammie!

Rise of the Guardians
10 years ago
1 comment:
I'm so glad to see you so happy. It looks as if you are right where you're meant to be. We need to catch up soon. Mucho grande to share w/you.
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